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Amsterdam: Tracking Stolen Luggage, Tesla Taxi, What We Found

03 July 2022
Mind dump, sans edit

Europe in general has become a giant cluster. Open borders was massive error. We warned. Inflation going vertical. Airports understaffed. Passenger jets must sometimes stay in the air due to reduced ground crews. Airlines serving nasty ‘vegetarian’ crap. What’s in it? More mass vaxxine? I have no idea.

The place is getting a third world feel.

Earlier this week I was in Mexico tracking migration flows. An old Green Beret friend retrieved me and visited author and border expert Todd Bensman and I boarded a flight from Austin to Amsterdam to connect to Budapest.

When I landed in Amsterdam and deplaned, a crippled woman needed help getting to her connecting flight. A staff woman told the crippled lady she likely would miss her connection because it will take two hours to get someone to pick her up. Incredible.

The crippled lady pleaded. I had time and would push her myself but she was in a place too far away and I might not make it, and I am slightly injured. I had slightly hurt my foot in Mexico and it’s adding up. It was very bothersome I could not help her and she might miss her flight due to lack of someone to drive the golf cart.

So I limped through the airport and watched my own flight delayed repeatedly. Actually I would have had time to push her but did not realize it until too late. That is really sad. It’s hard to believe they are just leaving crippled old people in the airport to miss flights. Very saddening even to write this that I did not try to push her to her gate. Bad choice. Can’t undo it now.

If I had known the Dutch farmers were going to make an uprising I would have stayed in Amsterdam. <y baggage was already checked from Texas to Budapest so I was committed to Budapest.

My flight eventually flew and I landed in Budapest. No dramas with baggage.

Numerous people and journalists will meet me on this journey and one is Masako Ganaha the famous Japanese journalist. Masako wants to interview the President of Hungary and I want to know some other stuff in Hungary. I mentioned to Masako I need to abort Hungary. Pressing action in Netherlands. She decided to go.

So we booked same flight. She uses Apple AirTags after I told her to do this for flights. But to hide the air-tags. Leave one AirTag that is somewhat easy to find but looks hidden, and the other that is very well hidden.

I told her to beware of Gypies. When I tell some people this they say I am racist. I tell them to go to hell. You are naive. I lived in Europe six years. Spare your wisdom for fools.

Masako had no idea what Gypsy is. Not that Gypsies are the only carousel crows, and I am sure there are great ones. But those are not the ones I typically meet. This is a high threat environment for petty theft.

There were only two flights to Amsterdam and we took same flight. Landing in Amsterdam, there was a long walk to baggage claim and my injury is swelling and slowing me down. A lady drove by in the golf cart carrying one person. They hold 6 or 8 but she would not take me. So I kept limping down the way, and about a hundred yards later she was stopped, still with one person, and again refused to take me. “Safety reasons” said another airport woman. (Can’t make up this stuff.)

I told Masako to go fast to luggage. This is not Japan or Dubai. This is Thiefland.

By the time I limped up, she found my bag but her’s was gone. She searched for the bag and it was about 100 meters away. She came back to tell me but by then it had moved and picked up speed. Clearly in a vehicle.

We went straight to Police. They were polite and professional and helpful, but police said Masako should make a report at KLM. I said now is the time. Get it now. And should have done it myself.

So Masako ran to KLM and stood in line for at least an hour behind others with missing bags and flights. She had left her phone with the police and me so we could watch the bag. Could not call Masako because we had her phone, and had no idea she would be gone so long. He asked me if any brown people had been around me and showed me a picture of a woman I did not recognize. I said we know where the tag is…

Eventually the policeman went looking for Masako at KLM. Could not find her. Needed airtag her, too. Finally she self-recovered back to the police office.

And so by the time all was resolved, at least two-hours of non-action bullshit had transpired because we tried to involve the police. We could see location of tag but police said give it a day or two and see if someone returns it.

I said I am going to get the bag and if I get shot by a criminal gang — that I had left my business card with another policeman. You’ll know that I got shot while being a policeman to get a stolen bag, or maybe someone just got it by accident and there would be no dramas. (Shape of things to come in America and across the world).

So off to the taxi. A Tesla! The driver was a Berber from Morocco. Morocco is great and we have great relations with Morocco. I was there last year tracking migration with Chuck Holton.

I asked about gas prices and he said this is a Tesla, lol. But said his charging prices are going up and now is as expensive of as diesel in kilometers per euro. Inflation is mad. But he does love the Tesla.

The world is going to hell, we are on the doorstep of World War III, and I am tracking a damn airtag when there are meetings to attend.

As we got very close to the airtag, I told the driver what we were up to. He volunteered to help. I knew he would. Moroccans are like that. They were the first to recognize United States as a country. I told him thank you. I always tell Moroccans thank you for being first ever though it was dangerous for Morroco. He said you are welcome.

So we got into the area of the airtag and were very close. The iphone connected directly with it but signal was very weak and was showing it might be in one of five cars. Masako hit the play sound button but we never could hear it though the iPhone said “playing.”

I happened to have a very sensitive microphone and a tiny 32-bit recorder, and a headset, all that fit in a shirt pocket. Because, you know, everyone happens to carry one of those.

I called the police because we were coming to a showdown if we found it in a car trunk. Police were reluctant to come. Taxi driver was talking with police and I told him to tell the police no problem I will find it and smash the window and take it and all good. No harm no foul. His eyes lit up. Masako froze.

The police woman said don’t break a window that is a crime. She will send police. Thank you.

With headset on, I could not locate the sound. Which was amazing because I was hearing crickets all the way from the moon. I had no idea there are so many birds in Amsterdam until I cranked up my gear. Birds were blasting in my ears. It’s very hard to sneak up on me in the jungle at night. When you hear strange sounds, just put those on. You’ll hear snakes fart.

And so, Masako kept hitting the play sound button and I walked around trying to find it in the trunk of a car or the trash can.

Finally I took her phone and limped around two apartment buildings but the signal never got stronger. Three police showed up looking serious so I limped up, smiled as big as possible and said hello. Explained the situation.

Two of the police never heard of airtags. The first police had one in the police van in a bag and showed the other two police. So he knew how to use it.

After ten minutes more effort, we found the airtag in a trash can I already checked twice. Problem being the airtag was in a hole in the ground surrounded by metal. This time when play was hit, we could hear it in the hole.

Police called the garbage police who came and opened the door. We could not see the tag. We could hear it pleading for help. Apparently someone dumped more trash atop it.

Lessons: It was waste of time to contact police. Should have gone in immediate hot pursuit and called police from pursuit.

Another lesson is to use two tags — I do — one that looks hidden so the professional thieves find it, and one that is very difficult to find.

I was not going to break a window, by the way. I just wanted the police to come in case this was a professional gang.

All this has left my foot swollen. Will be tough tomorrow but this is war and time to walk the line. Masako should be there tomorrow. I have introduced her so her reports in Japan should be interesting.

I’ll likely go on War Room with Steve Bannon and numerous others.

I feel bad for leaving that crippled woman. A Soldier never should do that. I hope she made her flight. This place is messed up. If you are coming to Amsterdam tomorrow I suggest abort unless very important or you are looking for action. Or inaction.

Your writer,


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Maybe the “lunatic” was a former Trump supporter who lost a child to Trump’s money-jab. I do not know. Do you? What’s his name?

Millions of us warned Trump to back off the death jab. He told us in Trump-speak to go to hell.

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February 25, 2025
post photo preview
Cooties Kill
Beware of Lice — the Government, and Typhus

29 March 2023
Yonezawa, Japan
Mind Dump, sans edit

This is important.  I am in a rush to meetings so this is sans edit:

I am in Yonezawa.  Scene of great historical famine.  I have come  by bullet train to study famine and a man named Yozan Uesugi.  Yozan was adept at spotting famine in advance and getting his people through famine.  

This morning, I write from a small Japanese cafe.  On breakfast menu is akadewa "tea".  A bean tea that I am drinking.  This tea was used during the great Tenmei Famine.  Encouraged by Yozan Uesugi.  Yozan.  The people still drink the tea and have many other "famine food" items on local menus. 

Now in 2023, conditions for global famine are growing.  Japan is at great risk.  

Some things always go with Famine.  War, Pandemic, and HOP.  

HOP is the Human Osmotic Pressure of migration.  The tidal push and pull of humanity.  

In famine, most people die not from starvation but from disease.  Diseaes such as Famine Fevers.  One of the most serious famine fevers is Typhus.  Not to be confused with Typhoid.  Typhus and typhoid are entirely different.  Even medical professionals mix the names.

Each morning years I receive daily typhus media updates from Google Net Alerts.  Below is my actual Net Alert from yesterday:

I track Epidemic Typhus because Epidemic Typhus travels with war and famine.  Not to be confused with scrub typhus or murine typhus.  I do not pay attention to murine or scrub typhus.  I pay full attention to epidemic typhus.  Epidemic typhus is spread by head lice and by body lice.  

Epidemic typhus is a no-kidding super-killer when it hits critical mass.  Or, as Dr. Chris Martenson might say, "case case case, cluster cluster BOOM!"  During the last century we seldom see a BOOM of epidemic typhus because.  We see many cases such as in American homeless camps.  And some clusters.  But not many BOOMs at this time.

This is why:

1) Thanks to smart people, we now know lice spread epidemic typhus.  So fight the lice.  Thus Army/ Marines -- short hair.  (Coincidentally, ivermectin is used against lice).

2) Typhus is caused by bacteria that is effectively fought back with antibiotics.  Unfortunately, this is 2023.  Supply chains are breaking down.  And those antibiotics come from drug companies.  Drug companies are openly killing people

These are the two most recent books I read on typhus.  One is from 1868 and might be considered outdated, but it's not.  There is much to learn from old books such as how we still behave in the face of the unknown while we fumble around searching for answers.  We bump into things a lot.  

In famine, most people do not starve to death.  We tend to die from disease long before we burn our final calorie.  

A main culprit of famine death is Epidemic Typhus.  Epidemic Typhus occurs in cold, hot, wet, dry.  Doesn't matter.  The lice live on us.  And they mate like crazy and spread madly.  

Epidemic Typhus is one of the famous Famine Fevers.  Relapsing fever is another.  

Famine Fevers onset usually some months after famine sets in.  

At issue with Epidemic Typhus is that it does not need famine to spread.  Famine only creates conditions for lice to spread.  

Epidemic Typhus has many names such as War Fever, Famine Fever, Ship Fever, Naval Fever, Camp Fever, and Hospital Fever.  This might provide a clue as to how it spreads.

This typhus is found in homeless camps in places like California.  It's there right now.  But is down to the case-case cluster-cluster level only because society has not broken down at this time.  There is nothing on earth stopping another vast outbreak of epidemic typhus -- other than lice control, and antibiotics whose supply, quality, and efficacy, are in question.

This bacteria is endemic to large swathes of earth such as in Texas and can spread as quickly as airplanes fly with body and head lice.

Cooties is an old term for lice.  And so the cooties game we learned to play was survival training.  For most modern children, cooties is just a game.  But in upcoming years those homeless camps and millions of hungry "migrants" will not be a game.  Epidemic Typhus can kill millions.  

The Dutch hate typhus on a deep cultural level.  Dutch even use diseases for curse words.  A Dutch person might say "optyfussen!"  Typhus off!  (If you look up optyfussen online, notice how often typhus is confused with typhoid.)  

Typhus is so under control today that most doctors I have mentioned it know very little about typhus.  I only pay attention because I study war -- and famine goes with war like smoke with fire.  And typhus goes with famine and war...like smoke with fire.

I sense we are heading into a period during which typhus will make a comeback and will kill massive numbers of people.  But people who study typhus even for a couple hours will have a serious advantage.  Beware the Cooties!  

Epidemic Typhus is like a giant mindfield.  But this mindfield is also marked by signs.  Read the signs.  Walk around the mindfield like it does not exist.

Even leftist media admit the homeless camps are typhus camps:

Curiouser and curiouser -- this website below identifies itself as the American Academy of Pediatrics and now recommends not sending home from school children with lice.  Are they going Medieval in creating more Epidemic Typhus?  
I do not find this surprising.  Not surprising because my paradigm is that WEF/CCP are intentionally depopulating most of the world population.  At times when you find yourself astonished, this can be a sign that it's time to reexamine your paradigm.  Surprise is an indicator that a paradigm needs adjustment or even to be thrown out.  Or at least to be recalculated.  By this time, it should be clear that democide is unfolding globally.

The same website promoting lice breeding by leaving cooties-ridden children in school, also promotes death jabs for infants and children: 



In closing, I have some research appointments on famine here in Japan.  This mind-dump sans-edit was sparked by a Texas friend who happens to be in Charlotte, North Carolina.  She remembers our conversation in Texas about lice and typhus.  She messaged this photo today from North Carolina -- which really got me going.  And she found this website:  https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hair-fairies-opens-newest-location-in-charlotte-300500636.html

[Please excuse the roughness of this dispatch...in a rush.]

Links to the "pediactric" murder website: 


In closing....this research is very expensive.  Please support!

Am not out shamelessly raising millions at the big, drunk dance parties.  Seems like every political event I witness, such as Project Veritas in Miamia, or whatever, ends up being big drunken party.  I do not drink, smoke, or any of that.  I only work, and alert about big things in non-flashy ways fueld by tiny funding.  Others raise millions at the drunken bashes and end up in trailor-park fights, or in highly suspicious circumstance and scandal.  I am just a simple war correspondent and researcher.

Thank you for all support -- there are many methods at these two links:




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