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From T.L. Davis. Enjoy…

After the Steal
OCT 22

The 2024 election is a cover up. It’s a cover up of the Barack Obama mystery identities, both his and Michelle’s. He’s a Kenyan president and if Kamala is somehow elected it will be the second president whose eligibility was never verified. It’s a cover up of the treason of elected officials, all of them, because they continue to play this ridiculous game where the opposition, even when in full power, are unable to secure the rights of the people. It’s somehow impolitic to do so.

It’s a cover up of the stolen election of 2020, which has now been verified by the audit in Arizona. There’s a court case involving the semis full of ballots, nine of them, that a judge is supposed to rule on and force the United States Post Office to turn over records of the particulars of that. This is no longer a question of a stolen election, something that could be proven by the open election interference admitted to by Mark Zuckerberg and other media outlets that branded certain claims “misinformation” when it was proven they were true.

It’s a cover up of our politicians being unable to prevent a stolen election and unable to determine the truth. The sole focus of our elected officials is to get to another Continuing Resolution (CR) which is code for spending our tax dollars without accountability for the insane insertions of text that are little else than a slap in the face of the hard working people that make it all possible.

The 2024 election is following familiar patterns for cheating already in Georgia, where the Republican officials are much more interested in cheating than following the law. The Biden Administration’s DOJ has sued Virginia to keep ineligible voters on the rolls. If the American people ever needed justification for disobedience, this certainly seems like enough. But wait, there’s more!

Citizens in Pennsylvania are being threatened by neighbors in letters pointing out that if Trump is elected, they will pay for their support. Talk show guests threaten white Trump supporters with violence, though there are a great number of black and Hispanic voters who also support Trump. I guess it’s just the white part that the racist Democrats feel comfortable threatening, because they have so often been intimidated by those threats rather than to respond in kind. Or, it’s a blatant attempt to start a race war. But wait, there’s more.

I don’t know how much longer we are supposed to give a pass to all of these so-called authorities, border patrol agents exposed by Sheriff Grady Judd of Florida as welcoming and getting all of these illegals set up with welfare and other payments of taxpayer money. I am sick of the willingness with which these people break the law and just say “no comment” when confronted with breaking the laws. I’m sick of the police who do not enforce the laws and DAs who shrug off their responsibilities in their towns and cities who have been overrun by these illegals, who shrug their shoulders and offer some excuse about their jobs or their pensions. Now, tell me there are good cops and only a few bad apples. If it came to your town it would be the same result. I know, I asked.

November 5th will be the last normal day in your life. Beyond that, this nation will be turned into a hellhole of violence and sexual deviance by gangs and illegals continuing to pour through the borders and pushing out to every city, every town. Or, violence and mayhem will be created by the Democrats who can be identified as nothing less than communists in the midst of a cultural revolution. There are no easy days left.

Right now, no one knows who to fight. They don’t know where to fight and it seems completely obvious that the only ones to be held responsible for their actions post November 5th will be the average American, as law-abiding and tax-paying as they can be, while hoods and criminals (including the police and the judicial system) prey upon them at every opportunity.

There are two weeks left to figure this out, to prepare. One must be ready, on November 6th, to put it all on the line. I don’t know what restrains us even today, but the fact is, too many people are waiting for a miracle and if that be a miracle of God, then so be it, but they are waiting for a miracle of man that will never materialize. The iron grip of normality is the undoing of the righteous. There is nothing normal about the child sex trafficking our own government is facilitating on the border. That alone should have them ousted from office and to hell with elections. Time and time again it has been proven that the communists cheated in 2020, 2022 and will do it this time, too.

Okay, that’s my pitch, I’ve made it a hundred times in the past, hoping to break through that resistance of normality that is so pervasive. What I’m saying now, is that there is no real choice. What one witnesses today, the police and agents shrugging at the illegal invasion of our nation will continue. They will shrug as criminal gangs take over apartment complexes. They will shrug when needed supplies and help are withheld, even deterred, in hurricane ravaged areas.

If I thought there was any way out, any election that would not be a catalyst for further degradation and horror, I’d be for it, but every which way I turn it, it comes out to the fact that the people themselves have got to put a stop to the madness engulfing them.

I know there’s a lot of people out there that feel the same as I do, who know it has but one solution and that solution is the people themselves. They wait for a miracle, but prepare for the worst. They fear imprisonment, and rightly so, but that is the least of it, truly. Watching one’s family torn apart, their houses seized, their children starving and cold is the worst and that’s all one can look forward to after the steal.

The communists, finally in full power with the mere grain of cover by the election that says they won, even though promising higher taxes, even though ensured of a continued invasion paid for by the wages of the average American, even though knowing that Trump and all of his associates will be put in prison for the rest of their lives, some of their mere supporters hunted and killed by irate, blue-haired zombies, will destroy everything the average American depends on for life. They hate you, because you resist. You are supposed to fold and beg for your lives and sustenance, that is the role of the individual in a communist state. You must be a collaborator or dead, that’s how they see it. Get mad, damnit.

I also know of people who are choosing not to vote. It’s a wrecked system and to vote is to aid and abet that wrecked system, it’s immoral. I understand and agree with that point of view, but to not vote is actually a justification and endorsement of what has gone on the past four years. It provides the cover for the communist aggression to come. But, be that as it may, it will be easier for the people to recognize their role in the counter-revolution and digging out from under the wrecked system, if Harris wins. I’m split on whether I want to vote and take a stab at some rectification, or simply let Harris win so that my role is justified by those who witness my actions.



For the next 7 days, all books at 12 Round are 30% off when you use the discount code “Intro” at checkout. I rarely do discounts, so it’s a good time to Christmas shop as well.

Twelveround.com is still the home of quality fiction. If Westerns aren’t your thing, Rebel and Rogue are more modern (1970s). If you look to the right of the green box on the Amazon page, there are paperback editions of both of them available. If you don’t want to buy from Amazon, you can get the physical novels from Twelveround and get the discount. Read the reviews of those who have commented on Amazon to get a feel for what’s in store.

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Team Effort. Say no to censorship and disinformation. Support Operation Burning Edge PHASE II.


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MAGA "Make Another Globalist Avatar"

Maybe the “lunatic” was a former Trump supporter who lost a child to Trump’s money-jab. I do not know. Do you? What’s his name?

Millions of us warned Trump to back off the death jab. He told us in Trump-speak to go to hell.

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Actions reveal more than words

TUCKER CARLSON: Why would the head of the Department Homeland Security want to destroy the United States?

MICHAEL YON: I can’t read his mind. But I can read his actions. He’s clearly doing it.

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Cooties Kill
Beware of Lice — the Government, and Typhus

29 March 2023
Yonezawa, Japan
Mind Dump, sans edit

This is important.  I am in a rush to meetings so this is sans edit:

I am in Yonezawa.  Scene of great historical famine.  I have come  by bullet train to study famine and a man named Yozan Uesugi.  Yozan was adept at spotting famine in advance and getting his people through famine.  

This morning, I write from a small Japanese cafe.  On breakfast menu is akadewa "tea".  A bean tea that I am drinking.  This tea was used during the great Tenmei Famine.  Encouraged by Yozan Uesugi.  Yozan.  The people still drink the tea and have many other "famine food" items on local menus. 

Now in 2023, conditions for global famine are growing.  Japan is at great risk.  

Some things always go with Famine.  War, Pandemic, and HOP.  

HOP is the Human Osmotic Pressure of migration.  The tidal push and pull of humanity.  

In famine, most people die not from starvation but from disease.  Diseaes such as Famine Fevers.  One of the most serious famine fevers is Typhus.  Not to be confused with Typhoid.  Typhus and typhoid are entirely different.  Even medical professionals mix the names.

Each morning years I receive daily typhus media updates from Google Net Alerts.  Below is my actual Net Alert from yesterday:

I track Epidemic Typhus because Epidemic Typhus travels with war and famine.  Not to be confused with scrub typhus or murine typhus.  I do not pay attention to murine or scrub typhus.  I pay full attention to epidemic typhus.  Epidemic typhus is spread by head lice and by body lice.  

Epidemic typhus is a no-kidding super-killer when it hits critical mass.  Or, as Dr. Chris Martenson might say, "case case case, cluster cluster BOOM!"  During the last century we seldom see a BOOM of epidemic typhus because.  We see many cases such as in American homeless camps.  And some clusters.  But not many BOOMs at this time.

This is why:

1) Thanks to smart people, we now know lice spread epidemic typhus.  So fight the lice.  Thus Army/ Marines -- short hair.  (Coincidentally, ivermectin is used against lice).

2) Typhus is caused by bacteria that is effectively fought back with antibiotics.  Unfortunately, this is 2023.  Supply chains are breaking down.  And those antibiotics come from drug companies.  Drug companies are openly killing people

These are the two most recent books I read on typhus.  One is from 1868 and might be considered outdated, but it's not.  There is much to learn from old books such as how we still behave in the face of the unknown while we fumble around searching for answers.  We bump into things a lot.  

In famine, most people do not starve to death.  We tend to die from disease long before we burn our final calorie.  

A main culprit of famine death is Epidemic Typhus.  Epidemic Typhus occurs in cold, hot, wet, dry.  Doesn't matter.  The lice live on us.  And they mate like crazy and spread madly.  

Epidemic Typhus is one of the famous Famine Fevers.  Relapsing fever is another.  

Famine Fevers onset usually some months after famine sets in.  

At issue with Epidemic Typhus is that it does not need famine to spread.  Famine only creates conditions for lice to spread.  

Epidemic Typhus has many names such as War Fever, Famine Fever, Ship Fever, Naval Fever, Camp Fever, and Hospital Fever.  This might provide a clue as to how it spreads.

This typhus is found in homeless camps in places like California.  It's there right now.  But is down to the case-case cluster-cluster level only because society has not broken down at this time.  There is nothing on earth stopping another vast outbreak of epidemic typhus -- other than lice control, and antibiotics whose supply, quality, and efficacy, are in question.

This bacteria is endemic to large swathes of earth such as in Texas and can spread as quickly as airplanes fly with body and head lice.

Cooties is an old term for lice.  And so the cooties game we learned to play was survival training.  For most modern children, cooties is just a game.  But in upcoming years those homeless camps and millions of hungry "migrants" will not be a game.  Epidemic Typhus can kill millions.  

The Dutch hate typhus on a deep cultural level.  Dutch even use diseases for curse words.  A Dutch person might say "optyfussen!"  Typhus off!  (If you look up optyfussen online, notice how often typhus is confused with typhoid.)  

Typhus is so under control today that most doctors I have mentioned it know very little about typhus.  I only pay attention because I study war -- and famine goes with war like smoke with fire.  And typhus goes with famine and war...like smoke with fire.

I sense we are heading into a period during which typhus will make a comeback and will kill massive numbers of people.  But people who study typhus even for a couple hours will have a serious advantage.  Beware the Cooties!  

Epidemic Typhus is like a giant mindfield.  But this mindfield is also marked by signs.  Read the signs.  Walk around the mindfield like it does not exist.

Even leftist media admit the homeless camps are typhus camps:

Curiouser and curiouser -- this website below identifies itself as the American Academy of Pediatrics and now recommends not sending home from school children with lice.  Are they going Medieval in creating more Epidemic Typhus?  
I do not find this surprising.  Not surprising because my paradigm is that WEF/CCP are intentionally depopulating most of the world population.  At times when you find yourself astonished, this can be a sign that it's time to reexamine your paradigm.  Surprise is an indicator that a paradigm needs adjustment or even to be thrown out.  Or at least to be recalculated.  By this time, it should be clear that democide is unfolding globally.

The same website promoting lice breeding by leaving cooties-ridden children in school, also promotes death jabs for infants and children: 



In closing, I have some research appointments on famine here in Japan.  This mind-dump sans-edit was sparked by a Texas friend who happens to be in Charlotte, North Carolina.  She remembers our conversation in Texas about lice and typhus.  She messaged this photo today from North Carolina -- which really got me going.  And she found this website:  https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hair-fairies-opens-newest-location-in-charlotte-300500636.html

[Please excuse the roughness of this dispatch...in a rush.]

Links to the "pediactric" murder website: 


In closing....this research is very expensive.  Please support!

Am not out shamelessly raising millions at the big, drunk dance parties.  Seems like every political event I witness, such as Project Veritas in Miamia, or whatever, ends up being big drunken party.  I do not drink, smoke, or any of that.  I only work, and alert about big things in non-flashy ways fueld by tiny funding.  Others raise millions at the drunken bashes and end up in trailor-park fights, or in highly suspicious circumstance and scandal.  I am just a simple war correspondent and researcher.

Thank you for all support -- there are many methods at these two links:




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