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Afghanistan SITREP

From source

OCC, 12:00 AM

Western nations race to complete Afghan evacuation as deadline looms

Western nations rushed to complete the evacuation of thousands of people from Afghanistan on Wednesday as the Aug. 31 deadline for the withdrawal of foreign troops drew closer with no sign that the country's new Taliban rulers might allow an extension.

In one of the biggest such airlifts ever, the United States and its allies have evacuated more than 70,000 people, including their citizens, NATO personnel and Afghans at risk, since Aug. 14, the day before the Taliban swept into the capital Kabul to bring to an end a 20-year foreign military presence.

U.S. President Joe Biden said U.S. troops in Afghanistan faced mounting danger and aid agencies warned of an impending humanitarian crisis for the population left behind.

Biden said they were on pace to meet the deadline, set under an agreement struck with the Islamist group last year to end America's longest war.

"The sooner we can finish, the better," Biden said on Tuesday. "Each day of operations brings added risk to our troops."

Two U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was growing concern about the risk of suicide bombings by Islamic State at the airport.

British foreign minister Dominic Raab said the deadline for evacuating people was up to the last minute of the month.

Tens of thousands of Afghans fearing persecution have thronged Kabul's airport since the Taliban takeover, the lucky ones securing seats on flights.

Many people milled about outside the airport - where soldiers from the United States, Britain and other nations were trying to maintain order amid the dust and heat - hoping to get out.

They carried bags and suitcases stuffed with possessions, and waved documents at soldiers in the hope of gaining entry. One man, standing knee-deep in a flooded ditch, passed a child to man above.

"I learned from an email from London that the Americans are taking people out, that's why I've come so I can go abroad," said one man, Aizaz Ullah.

While the focus is now on those trying to flee, the risk of starvation, disease and persecution is rising for the rest of the population, aid agencies say.


A U.S. Marine with the Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Central Command (SPMAGTF-CR-CC) escorts a child to his family during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan,

"There's a perfect storm coming because of several years of drought, conflict, economic deterioration, compounded by COVID," David Beasley, executive director of the U.N. World Food Programme, told Reuters in Doha, calling for the international community to donate $200 million in food aid.

"The number of people marching towards starvation has spiked to now 14 million."

The EU said this week it was planning to quadruple aid and was seeking coordination with the United Nations on delivery as well as safety guarantees on the ground.

The U.N. human rights chief said she had received credible reports of serious violations by the Taliban, including "summary executions" of civilians and Afghan security forces who had surrendered. The Taliban have said they will investigate reports of atrocities.

The Taliban's 1996-2001 rule was marked by harsh sharia law, with many political rights and basic freedoms curtailed and women severely oppressed. Afghanistan was also a hub for anti-Western militants, and Washington, London and others fear it might become so again.


A NATO country diplomat in Kabul, who declined to be identified, said several international aid groups were desperate to get Afghan staff out and neighbouring countries should open their land borders to allow more people to leave.

"Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan should be pulling out far more people using either air or land routes. It's vital air and land routes are used at a very fast pace," the diplomat told Reuters.

The Taliban said all foreign evacuations must be completed by Aug. 31, and asked the United States to stop urging talented Afghans to leave, while also trying to persuade people at the airport to go home, saying they had nothing to fear.

"Foreign troops should withdraw by the deadline. It will pave the way for resumption of civilian flights," Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said on Twitter.

"People with legal documents can travel through commercial flights after Aug. 31."

The Dutch government, echoing some other governments, said it was all but certain that many people eligible for asylum would not be taken out in time.

Dutch troops had managed to get more than 100 people to Kabul airport, Foreign Minister Sigrid Kaag said, but hundreds of others risked being left behind.

The U.S.-backed government collapsed as the United States and its allies withdrew troops two decades after they ousted the Taliban in the weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States by al Qaeda, whose leaders had found safe haven in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

Taliban leaders have begun talks on forming a government.

OCC, 1:45 AM

What Will the Taliban Do With Their New US Weapons?

With its quick seizure of power, the Taliban also acquired U.S. military equipment left behind by the withdrawal or abandoned by Afghan forces.

What Will the Taliban Do With Their New US Weapons?
Capturing the enemy’s weapons has been a standard guerrilla tactic for centuries. The American Army could not have succeeded against King George III without seizing the king’s food and armaments. It is one thing to capture weapons and other materiel; it is another to be given the enemy’s gear on a silver platte
In the images of the Taliban fighters flooding the streets of Kabul, one detail attracts attention: the lack of the ubiquitous Kalashnikov. Few Taliban appearing now carry the signature weapon of insurgent fighters, the AK-47, and its countless variants from the handmade Pakistani

A Taliban fighter stands guard at a checkpoint in the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, August 22, 2021.

Capturing the enemy’s weapons has been a standard guerrilla tactic for centuries. The American Army could not have succeeded against King George III without seizing the king’s food and armaments. It is one thing to capture weapons and other material; it is another to be given the enemy’s gear on a silver platter.
In the images of the Taliban fighters flooding the streets of Kabul, one detail attracts attention: the lack of the ubiquitous Kalashnikov. Few Taliban appearing now carry the signature weapon of insurgent fighters, the AK-47, and its countless variants from the handmade Pakistani versions to the updated Russian AK-19. Most of the Taliban in Kabul’s street seems to prefer American M4 carbines and M16 rifles with their many gadgets attached, from expensive optics to laser sights and flashlights, an uncommon picture in contrast to just a few weeks earlier.
The answer to the question concerning the source of these small arms is straightforward: war looting. Another and more important question needs an answer: The fate of the extensive military materiel that the U.S. left behind during its withdrawal or that which was in the hands of the Afghan forces that melted so quickly away as the Taliban advanced.
As a landlocked country, Afghanistan makes moving military materiel back to the U.S. neither an easy nor an economical endeavor. Much was removed anyway, and much handed over to Afghan government forces. What couldn’t be taken back, was left. Blowing up in situ large quantities of war materiel is cheaper than shipping it out of Afghanistan. Still, that option creates toxic legacies that would affect the local population for a long time, as happened in Iraq.
Nevertheless, lack of time and unreasonable expectations on the survivability of the Afghan security forces caught the Pentagon by surprise. According to Joshua Reno, author of “Military Waste: The Unexpected Consequences of Permanent War Readiness,” recirculating weapons in the places a military force leaves when the battle is over will augment the risks that small arms or other weapons are going to fuel and intensify civil war or instability.
According to a top Pentagon logistics specialist, there is no clear record of the quantity and quality of military equipment left behind. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated that the Taliban probably would not give such materiel back to the U.S. at the airport, adding a note of farce to an already disastrous situation. One of the immediate conclusions drawn from the less-than-optimal U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan is how the U.S. can minimize the chances of future disasters stemming out of the Taliban’s use and trade of abandoned U.S. and Afghan military materiel.
U.S. military and intelligence had already walked that path in the 1990s, after the anti-Soviet mujahedeen pushed out the Soviet Union. The task at that time was to recover Stingers, highly sophisticated portable surface to air missiles. In order to have a chance against the Soviet Union’s heavily armed attack helicopter Mil Mi-24, essentially a flying tank, the U.S. had equipped the mujahedeen with Stingers in the 1980s. As soon as the war ended with the Soviet defeat, the possibility of those Stingers being employed for terrorist attacks or falling into hostile government hands ignited a hunt to get the portable missiles back. The U.S. intelligence community scrambled to buy them back, allegedly at $100,000 per unit, or obtain the portable missiles by any means. Steve Coll in his acclaimed book “Ghost Wars,” mentioned that when the Taliban seized Kabul in 1996, an estimated 600 of the 2,300 Stingers provided by the CIA during the Soviet-Afghan war remained unaccounted for. Tehran was competing in the same race to acquire as many of the wayward Stingers as possible.
Providentially, the threat of a terrorist using a Stinger to shoot down an American passenger plane did not materialize, nor did the Taliban develop a successful insurgent anti-aircraft campaign with the leftovers.
And yes, history repeats itself.
Today’s quantity and quality of weapons that the Taliban are hoarding since their lightning advance will arguably have unintended negative consequences far from Afghan borders. Sales to hostile governments and on the black market may provide additional revenue to the Taliban and increase uncertainty and instability not only in Central Asia but beyond. Militant organizations such as the Haqqani network, already in Kabul, possess the capability to smuggle weapons from Afghanistan to the Middle East, the African continent, and even to Southeast Asia.
Possible scenarios range from small arms used to foster instability in the region or night vision goggles and military-grade communication equipment reaching other militant groups, including the Islamic State. More significant items now in the hands of the Taliban, such as helicopters, can neither be maintained nor flown due to a lack of Taliban pilots and trained maintenance crews. The materiel, however, could be handed over to countries interested in sensitive U.S. technology, and that list is not short. The war looting includes armored Humvees, aircraft, and attack helicopters, as well as military scout drones. Most of the Afghan Air Force’s aircraft were used by Afghan pilots to escape into neighboring Central Asian countries as Kabul fell, but the number still parked on Afghan airfields is unknown.
The fall of Kabul, predictably, has been compared with the fall of Saigon. Most of the analogies point to helicopters leaving the roof of the American Embassy. However, another analogy worth referencing is related to the North Vietnamese political commissars’ scrambling to reach the ARVN and South Vietnamese police’s archives to locate the list of intelligence officials and collaborators. In an era of Big Data and databases stored in the cloud, there is a sudden realization that deleting data from the servers and smashing hard drives is not a bulletproof solution. Moreover, there are severe concerns that hundreds of military biometric devices, abandoned in U.S. bases, left a digital breadcrumb trail that the Taliban will use to locate and target former security officials and government supporters. Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment, in short HIIDE, devices are meant to digitally identify friends from foes via a biometric reading, against databases with fingerprints, iris scans and distinctive facial features.
Similarly, social media users in Kabul left a digital trail not only on their mobile phones but also on the internet. It’s now digital proof that can be used against them when the Taliban feels confident of their grip on power and local media control. Discounting the Taliban’s capabilities in accessing actionable digital intelligence could be a mistake. Besides the probable support that the Taliban could receive from foreign intelligence services, it is not wise to disparage the ingenuity of militant groups in harnessing low-tech schemes to counter high-tech weaponry. An example is provided by the case of pro-Iranian militants in Iraq using $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they need to monitor the unblinking eyes of U.S. drones.
The threat of insurgents intercepting drone video feeds has been patched with encrypted communication; however, examples of low-tech tactical efficiencies abound. Since a decade ago, the Taliban have been using off-the-shelf commercial drones to shoot propaganda films and provide aerial scouting and to guide kamikaze flying bombs. This is a playbook borrowed by Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The recent Taliban capture of Boeing ScanEagle drones, developed for surveillance, could add a new capability to the fighters’ growing arsenal. Also, their tactical use could evolve into alternative and deadly options.
From a propaganda perspective, the videos of Taliban fighters parading in Afghan cities with their U.S. war trophies increase the criticism of the Biden administration’s withdrawal decision. Although it remains unclear how the Taliban will govern Afghanistan, the propaganda value of their white flags waving in the wind from the top of U.S.-made Humvees inspires other jihadist and radical Islamist groups to imitate the Taliban’s actions. The perception of augmented combat capabilities provided by the war looting could also push Central Asian countries to strengthen their bilateral security ties with Moscow and Beijing, no matter what, in the face of a Taliban with modern equipment.
Sun Tzu, the revered author of the “Art of War,” quoted shoulder to shoulder with von Clausewitz in contemporary Western military PowerPoint presentations, states that the golden rule is to know your enemy. Probably 20 years were not enough.

OCC, 2:55 AM
Biden, Stoltenberg

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Team Effort. Say no to censorship and disinformation. Support Operation Burning Edge PHASE II.


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Millions of us warned Trump to back off the death jab. He told us in Trump-speak to go to hell.

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February 08, 2025

I was excited over the grandstanding about shutting down USAID until I heard this more balanced perspective.

It still wouldn’t break my heart if it went away altogether, but as a CIA asset, it will just reincarnate into another three letter abomination.

This is a left-tending podcast and the guest is a 🏺 head, so forgive me for those!

I recommend starting at the 18 minute mark then skipping around as needed.


January 20, 2025

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There’s been lots of time to create fake documents and alter the real ones.

DS is creating a psyop out of this. The big “disclosure” will be like Capone’s Vault, except with more props and retired CIA plants keeping the Kennedy cultists busy.

Thick Micks.

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Cooties Kill
Beware of Lice — the Government, and Typhus

29 March 2023
Yonezawa, Japan
Mind Dump, sans edit

This is important.  I am in a rush to meetings so this is sans edit:

I am in Yonezawa.  Scene of great historical famine.  I have come  by bullet train to study famine and a man named Yozan Uesugi.  Yozan was adept at spotting famine in advance and getting his people through famine.  

This morning, I write from a small Japanese cafe.  On breakfast menu is akadewa "tea".  A bean tea that I am drinking.  This tea was used during the great Tenmei Famine.  Encouraged by Yozan Uesugi.  Yozan.  The people still drink the tea and have many other "famine food" items on local menus. 

Now in 2023, conditions for global famine are growing.  Japan is at great risk.  

Some things always go with Famine.  War, Pandemic, and HOP.  

HOP is the Human Osmotic Pressure of migration.  The tidal push and pull of humanity.  

In famine, most people die not from starvation but from disease.  Diseaes such as Famine Fevers.  One of the most serious famine fevers is Typhus.  Not to be confused with Typhoid.  Typhus and typhoid are entirely different.  Even medical professionals mix the names.

Each morning years I receive daily typhus media updates from Google Net Alerts.  Below is my actual Net Alert from yesterday:

I track Epidemic Typhus because Epidemic Typhus travels with war and famine.  Not to be confused with scrub typhus or murine typhus.  I do not pay attention to murine or scrub typhus.  I pay full attention to epidemic typhus.  Epidemic typhus is spread by head lice and by body lice.  

Epidemic typhus is a no-kidding super-killer when it hits critical mass.  Or, as Dr. Chris Martenson might say, "case case case, cluster cluster BOOM!"  During the last century we seldom see a BOOM of epidemic typhus because.  We see many cases such as in American homeless camps.  And some clusters.  But not many BOOMs at this time.

This is why:

1) Thanks to smart people, we now know lice spread epidemic typhus.  So fight the lice.  Thus Army/ Marines -- short hair.  (Coincidentally, ivermectin is used against lice).

2) Typhus is caused by bacteria that is effectively fought back with antibiotics.  Unfortunately, this is 2023.  Supply chains are breaking down.  And those antibiotics come from drug companies.  Drug companies are openly killing people

These are the two most recent books I read on typhus.  One is from 1868 and might be considered outdated, but it's not.  There is much to learn from old books such as how we still behave in the face of the unknown while we fumble around searching for answers.  We bump into things a lot.  

In famine, most people do not starve to death.  We tend to die from disease long before we burn our final calorie.  

A main culprit of famine death is Epidemic Typhus.  Epidemic Typhus occurs in cold, hot, wet, dry.  Doesn't matter.  The lice live on us.  And they mate like crazy and spread madly.  

Epidemic Typhus is one of the famous Famine Fevers.  Relapsing fever is another.  

Famine Fevers onset usually some months after famine sets in.  

At issue with Epidemic Typhus is that it does not need famine to spread.  Famine only creates conditions for lice to spread.  

Epidemic Typhus has many names such as War Fever, Famine Fever, Ship Fever, Naval Fever, Camp Fever, and Hospital Fever.  This might provide a clue as to how it spreads.

This typhus is found in homeless camps in places like California.  It's there right now.  But is down to the case-case cluster-cluster level only because society has not broken down at this time.  There is nothing on earth stopping another vast outbreak of epidemic typhus -- other than lice control, and antibiotics whose supply, quality, and efficacy, are in question.

This bacteria is endemic to large swathes of earth such as in Texas and can spread as quickly as airplanes fly with body and head lice.

Cooties is an old term for lice.  And so the cooties game we learned to play was survival training.  For most modern children, cooties is just a game.  But in upcoming years those homeless camps and millions of hungry "migrants" will not be a game.  Epidemic Typhus can kill millions.  

The Dutch hate typhus on a deep cultural level.  Dutch even use diseases for curse words.  A Dutch person might say "optyfussen!"  Typhus off!  (If you look up optyfussen online, notice how often typhus is confused with typhoid.)  

Typhus is so under control today that most doctors I have mentioned it know very little about typhus.  I only pay attention because I study war -- and famine goes with war like smoke with fire.  And typhus goes with famine and war...like smoke with fire.

I sense we are heading into a period during which typhus will make a comeback and will kill massive numbers of people.  But people who study typhus even for a couple hours will have a serious advantage.  Beware the Cooties!  

Epidemic Typhus is like a giant mindfield.  But this mindfield is also marked by signs.  Read the signs.  Walk around the mindfield like it does not exist.

Even leftist media admit the homeless camps are typhus camps:

Curiouser and curiouser -- this website below identifies itself as the American Academy of Pediatrics and now recommends not sending home from school children with lice.  Are they going Medieval in creating more Epidemic Typhus?  
I do not find this surprising.  Not surprising because my paradigm is that WEF/CCP are intentionally depopulating most of the world population.  At times when you find yourself astonished, this can be a sign that it's time to reexamine your paradigm.  Surprise is an indicator that a paradigm needs adjustment or even to be thrown out.  Or at least to be recalculated.  By this time, it should be clear that democide is unfolding globally.

The same website promoting lice breeding by leaving cooties-ridden children in school, also promotes death jabs for infants and children: 



In closing, I have some research appointments on famine here in Japan.  This mind-dump sans-edit was sparked by a Texas friend who happens to be in Charlotte, North Carolina.  She remembers our conversation in Texas about lice and typhus.  She messaged this photo today from North Carolina -- which really got me going.  And she found this website:  https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hair-fairies-opens-newest-location-in-charlotte-300500636.html

[Please excuse the roughness of this dispatch...in a rush.]

Links to the "pediactric" murder website: 


In closing....this research is very expensive.  Please support!

Am not out shamelessly raising millions at the big, drunk dance parties.  Seems like every political event I witness, such as Project Veritas in Miamia, or whatever, ends up being big drunken party.  I do not drink, smoke, or any of that.  I only work, and alert about big things in non-flashy ways fueld by tiny funding.  Others raise millions at the drunken bashes and end up in trailor-park fights, or in highly suspicious circumstance and scandal.  I am just a simple war correspondent and researcher.

Thank you for all support -- there are many methods at these two links:




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